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    RSS and Twitter Feeds for customer listings. free and or paid

    I would like to see options to allow the customer to include their RSS Feeds and latest tweets into their listings. When you go to the customer listing page it would grab that information and show the updates on the page.

    added Aug 1st '12 at 0:05 AM
    circlecity 1

1 Response

  1. bkessman

    I love the twitter feed idea as a sidebar widget specifically for individual profile pages. Displaying something like the latest 3-5 tweets from a business’ twitter account won’t require a lot of page real estate. And because the tweets will likely be timely and refreshing often, it makes sense to me to have them on screen in this way. There is a wordpress plugin by Alex Moss that does this well for a single twitter account that you need to configure manually (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-twitter-feed/). Ideally, I would want something similar as a sidebar widget that dynamically pulls the twitter account of business profile and lists the latest 3-5 tweets.

    Regarding the RSS feed, I think this could be great as an optional additional tab within a business’ profile page. Since this content might be longer form and include a headline as well as some paragraph copy, the tab would provide a good amount of real estate to display this info.

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